Emails, Reports, Cron and more
  • 9 months ago



i´m sorry... but there are still problems. Maybe sometimes you didn´t understand what I mean...


Well, I try to explain...
In my case there is no community. There is a "normal" (company-)website. And the visitors of the website can do this survey.

When those visitors have finished the survey, the owner of the website (the admin) needs to get the notification-email with the responses.


1) When Email-Queue is triggered automatically by component, all "old" surveys in queue are getting send. But the new/actual Survey-Email has status "pending". The problem is, that maybe only one survey per week will be done in the beginning. But mail is always send a week later, when the next time survey is used. How to fix this problem without using server-cronjob? 
I am sorry but I do not understand this. Are the already sent invitations are being sent again?


I mean, that there are e.g. two jobs in the queue:
#1 - pending
#2 - pending
>>>now that visitor finished survey #3, the email queue is triggered and #1 and #2 two went too status "sent". Author/admin gets notification about #1 and #2, but the new #3 ist pending now.
>>>if for the next 3 weeks noone do a new survey, the admin/author will never be informed about the last survey #3.

How to fix?




2) I did some layout-overwrites e.g. for "image_checkbox.php". Those are for styling output nice :-) So far they work well... to see those and the bug, please login (data at the bottom). BUT: When I use Survey via module ("Surveys Form Module"), then FIRST questions doesn´t use my overwrite-file. I use my_template/html/layouts/com_communitysurveys/default/response/fields/image_checkbox.php as overwrite-file. Where to find the right one for starting survey with module? 
Since the module will be displayed from any page, it cannot detect the location of the component layout. So the base path is hardcoded. If you want to override this, edit modules/mod_surveyform/tmpl/default,php and find
<?php echo JLayoutHelper::render($layout.'.survey.survey_main', array('data'=>$data), $data->basePath, array('debug'=>false));?>
change it to
<?php echo JLayoutHelper::render($layout.'.survey.survey_main', array('data'=>$data), '', array('debug'=>false));?>
I tried to, but it doesn´t work. I just couldn´t see any survey anymore. Maybe I need to use comonent always and just cannot use module...
3) Who is the responder of survey-email (email queue "To Address")? Is it always the "author" of survey? 
No. It is the user whom you sent the invitation. You can send invitations to any users.
Cause of the scenario I explained on top... there is no community and so are no users and noone who invites. So I think the New Response-Email will be send to survey-author. It´s ok...
4) Answers of survey in Email. I just cannot find how to insert the answers of survey (the results) into the Email. Email content is something like "Hello Super User, responded to your survey Herren. ... View Reports" BUT I need the report inside the email! Within survey there is also a button called "Attach PDF Report" >> but in my email there is no pdf-attachment. How to fix it?
PDF report feature looks to be broken. I am fixing this. But there is no feature to include report within email. Further email will not be sent to user who respond to survey rather sent to survey author. But anyway, I will add this email type to send email to user after he take survey.
Cause of the scenario I explained on top... I really the admin/author to receive the report.
What would the Attach PDF-report do? Isn´t it, that this PDF with the report (answers of questions) will be send to author/admin via the New Response-Email??????
Hope you can help.

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