Registered access to quizzes

Jean-Francois Questiaux
Jean-Francois Questiaux
  • Jean-Francois Questiaux
  • 2 months ago

Except if I missed something, at the moment if a non logged-in user tries to access a quiz with a "registered" access level, he'll get a "403 forbidden access" message, which is true but not very friendly.
I "fixed" that by changing the line 174 code in components > com_communityquiz > views > quiz > view.html.php

// throw new Exception(JText::_('JERROR_ALERTNOAUTHOR'), 403);
$return = base64_encode(JURI::base() . substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],1));
$app->redirect(JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_comptes&view=login&Itemid=391&type=2&return=' . $return, false));

so the user is redirected to the login page.

But it would be nice to have  this natively so I would not have to redo the change after each update.

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