Joomla! quotes component for posting and listing quotes. Users can post their own posts or quotes by famous people.

Author Profiles
Community Quotes supports built-in author profiles and the users can create the profiles.
Unlimted Categories
Supports unlimited quotes categories and unlimited author categories to allow easy organization of your data.
Quote Comments
Supports all popular Joomla! comment extensions as well as external services such as Facebook comments.
Quotes Listing
Give access to all quotes on a beautifully designed front-end listing page including the tags, description, and other information.
Category listing
Supports unlimited multilevel categories, displayed on a beautiful index page to easily navigate to the right forum.
User friendly toolbar
Get access to the most important shortcuts of the component from the toolbar, and the buttons to create and manage quotes.
Author avatars and hits
Show the avatar of the author who said the quote and the number of times the quote was seen by the users.

Authors Listing
Show all the authors on your website for easy access to their profiles.
Author listing with avatars
Show author details and avatar and link them to their profile page. Arranged in neat cards style.
Navigation & search
Authors can be easily searchable and can handle thousands of authors with easy navigation.

Multilevel Categories
Create simple to most complex forum structure with unlimited, multilevel categories with built-in support for Joomla! category system.
Unlimited categories
Community Quotes utilizes Joomla! category system to build unlimited multilevel categories.
Category level permissions
Configure permissions at each category to allow the users to create quotes or to view them.

Author Profiles
Create and show author profiles and your users can select them and add the quotes.
Front-end creation
Author profiles can be created from front-end with ACL support. Allow your users to post the author profiles.
Author details and quotes
The author profile can be shown with all author details and the quotes linked to the profile. Authors’ listings can be linked to respective profiles.

Modules and Plugins
Community Quotes comes with useful modules and plugins.
Quotes Listing Module
List your quotes in any module position using this module. Provides multiple listing types such as latest, popular, etc.
Random Quote Module
Display any random quote using this module from the list of all available quotes.
Categories Module
Show all your categories in a nice tree-structured view in any module position and quickly navigate between categories.
Search Module
Add quotes search form to any page in a module position and you can quickly search through list of all available quotes.
All Access Membership
No hidden costs, and no confusion. Get access to all our extensions with one simple membership.