Little problem in random poll module

  • Neil
  • 12 months ago
Hello Maverik,

I now started with the community poll component and I got it up and running with the German translation files ;)

But I have found a strange effect in the random poll module where I can find no solution.
Maybe you have an idea.

In mod_randompoll/tmpl/default.php, line 380-382

<?php if($show_votes == 1):?>
<div class="rp-text"><?php echo JText::sprintf('LBL_TOTAL_VOTES', $poll->votes)?></div>
<?php endif;?>

the LBL_TOTAL_VOTES is used.
I cannot find it in neither the language file for the module or the language file for the component (the original one, not the German files).
So i tried to set it myself.
I added it to the German language file for the component:
LBL_TOTAL_VOTES="Alle Stimmen"

If I do NOT add it to the translation file
>> Total Votes: 2 <<
is shown in the frontend.

If i add it
>> Alle Stimmen <<
is shown in the frontend.

So I see no bold words and no vote count!

I first thought, maybe its because I added the label newly to the files.
So I tried to use "LBL_VOTES" in the code which was in the original translation files.
In english its set to "Votes" and in German to "Stimmen" - in frontend I saw "Stimmen" without bold and without vote count.
Same problem here -.-

Do you have any ideas?
Thx in advance

Attachent: 2 jpg files to show the problem in frontend.

{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 772]}

{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 773]}

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