plg_cbpolls Cannot find Joomla XML setup file v2.5
plg_cbpolls Cannot find Joomla XML setup file v2.5
Dear Support,
I've just tried to install plg_cbpolls but the system tells me that it cannot find the XML setup file. The wierd thing is that there is a file called cbpolls.xml in the zip file but the system does not recognize it for some reason.
Could you respond with help on how to make it installl?
Here is the content of that file.
I've just tried to install plg_cbpolls but the system tells me that it cannot find the XML setup file. The wierd thing is that there is a file called cbpolls.xml in the zip file but the system does not recognize it for some reason.
Could you respond with help on how to make it installl?
Here is the content of that file.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<cbinstall version="1.9" type="plugin" group="user">
<name>CB Community Polls Plugin</name>
<copyright>(C) 2009-13</copyright>
<license> GNU/GPL</license>
<description>The plugin displays user polls on his CB profile.</description>
<filename plugin="cbpolls">cbpolls.php</filename>
<param name="hwPlugEnabled" type="radio" label="Plugin Enabled" default="1" description="Specify Yes to enable the plugin.">
<option value="0">No</option>
<option value="1">Yes</option>
<param name="hwTabNumQuestions" type="text" label="Number of polls" default="5" description="Enter number of polls to display." />
<tab name="My Polls" description="This tab displays user polls in his/her CB profile." class="getCbPollsTab" fields="0" position="cb_tabmain" displaytype="tab">
<param name="hwTabNumQuestions" type="text" label="Number of Polls" default="5" description="Enter number of polls to display." />
<option name="hwTabNumQuestions" type="text" label="Number of Polls" default="5" description="Enter number of polls to display." />
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