Not working on Joomla v3.1.5
Not working on Joomla v3.1.5
I am attempting to review CjBlog on joomla v3.1.5. I have installed CjLib v2.0.4 and CjBlog v1.1.7 and am having problems getting it to work. I have created an article category Blogs with two sub categories. Created a new menu item Blog List (CjBlog > categories). I have used the Extension Option to exclude all article categories except the Blogs category. When I logon as Registered User and click the Blog List menu I see the Blogs category with the two sub categories with a number showing they have one entry (article) each, but when I click the sub category, the article is not displayed.
Also, I have noticed since installing the extension, when I click on any article entry, even on the public site, it is displayed using the CjBlog article handler, even if it is set to Joomla in the configuration options.
What am I doing wrong?
Also, I have noticed since installing the extension, when I click on any article entry, even on the public site, it is displayed using the CjBlog article handler, even if it is set to Joomla in the configuration options.
What am I doing wrong?
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