Can’t add answer
Can't add answer
I'm using Joomla 3.2 and I can't add an answer to question. Here's a link:самый-эффективный-метод-лечения-витилиго-это-уф-лампа&Itemid=95
Try to add any answer (no need to register) and see for yourself. Once again like it was with Polls, there's only "loading..." string as Sumbit button value and nothing happens afterwards. But this time answer doesn't even being added.самый-эффективный-метод-лечения-витилиго-это-уф-лампа&Itemid=95
Try to add any answer (no need to register) and see for yourself. Once again like it was with Polls, there's only "loading..." string as Sumbit button value and nothing happens afterwards. But this time answer doesn't even being added.
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