already voted message
already voted message
I have an issue with the "you already voted message", when closed date and publish results has arrived we have automatically
This poll is expired and voting is closed. => this is normal
but we have also the message: You have already voted on this poll
Even if i never voted on this poll, even if i have no method restriction, or i used 2 different computers or 2 different IP@
i think you have the same issue in your demo website:
for example in this poll.
i have message "You have already voted on this poll" even if i never voted.
smth wrong in this conditions ?
<?php if(!$this->item->eligible && $user->authorise('', P_APP_NAME)):?>
<div class="alert alert-info"><i class="icon-info-sign"></i> <?php echo JText::_('MSG_ALREADY_VOTED');?></div>
I have an issue with the "you already voted message", when closed date and publish results has arrived we have automatically
This poll is expired and voting is closed. => this is normal
but we have also the message: You have already voted on this poll
Even if i never voted on this poll, even if i have no method restriction, or i used 2 different computers or 2 different IP@
i think you have the same issue in your demo website:
for example in this poll.
i have message "You have already voted on this poll" even if i never voted.
smth wrong in this conditions ?
<?php if(!$this->item->eligible && $user->authorise('', P_APP_NAME)):?>
<div class="alert alert-info"><i class="icon-info-sign"></i> <?php echo JText::_('MSG_ALREADY_VOTED');?></div>
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