Alternate external redirects
Alternate external redirects
I am trying to get the survey to act as a decision tree and at certain pages redirect the user to an external page (contact form).
The forms vary dependant on the choices they make and what page they end up on.
Any way that the system can redirect them to different external pages? Or redirect from a blank page in the survey that has a {jsrp}url=http://www.xxxx{/jsrp}
Any suggestions appreciated.
I am trying to get the survey to act as a decision tree and at certain pages redirect the user to an external page (contact form).
The forms vary dependant on the choices they make and what page they end up on.
Any way that the system can redirect them to different external pages? Or redirect from a blank page in the survey that has a {jsrp}url=http://www.xxxx{/jsrp}
Any suggestions appreciated.
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