community polls : multiple votes ?

  • cirp
  • 8 months ago

Hi there,

we just got community pools : it sounds OK (fonctionaly speaking) to perform what we need to do.

However, after testing, I have 2 issues :

1/ I have noticed that if someone was allowedto vote for an election, he had the possibility to vote as many time as he wanted. Is there any way to restrict the number of ballots one can forecast ? In another way : I need the voters to be allowed to vote once and only once.

2/ I have not found how to automatically notify by mail voters that they where they where called to vote (aka : I would like a mass mail to be sent to call voters when I publish a new poll).

Note that I work under joomla 3.7.1 with php7 and I use community builder.

Thanks for your help,



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