Forum posts – how to set default target for links pasted into topics and replies??
Forum posts - how to set default target for links pasted into topics and replies??
So, we use the Joomla default editor TinyMCE.
It's working fine, but has limited configuration options built into Joomla interface.
We need to make sure that links pasted into forum posts do not transport users right off of our site !
So I want to configure it so that the default link target is always "_blank" - to open in a new tab.
The TinyMCE documents describe using "tinymce.init"
However, this ".init" file doesn't seem to reside anywhere handy, for setting defaults. The docs imply that it's normally just pasted into the page code that actually inserts the editor. But I am not sure which files to edit!! ( been searching for a while, cant find any references to tinymce.init )
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