MaxMind error message
MaxMind error message
I have just purchased this software bundle for my Community Interest Company and having installed it, I am experiencing the following error message with Community Answers:
Error opening database file (/home/customer/www/ Is this a valid MaxMind DB file?
I cannot find any option within the component or plugins to turn off this GeoIP function.
I note that that attention has been drawn to this problem previously and there is a FAQ response but the MaxMind website requires registration (and potentially payment?) and entry of a License ID. Is this all necessary?
I would have expected the component to work out of the box or at least allow a means of switching off this function to remove the error messages. It is not clear from the documentation how what this GeoIP function provides and how essential it is.
Can anyone please explain what this is for, and advise on how to switch this function off and remove the error messages?
Many thanks