Problems with Joomla 1.6

  • Sparkybear
  • 14 months ago

I just bought your poll component and I am having a few problems.....

1. If I click on "user Polls" I get the following error - "Fatal error: Class 'JParameter' not found in /home/tenerife/public_html/components/com_communitypolls/views/user/view.html.php on line 78"

2. If I click on "User Votes I get the following error - "Fatal error: Class 'JParameter' not found in /home/tenerife/public_html/components/com_communitypolls/views/user/view.html.php on line 78"

3. THe Poll Closing option doesnt work in the frontend or backend. I can neither choose the date via the buton or type in the date.

4. In a new poll the text on the Poll is wrong it reads- "0 voter(s) voted on this poll. Last vote: ears ago."

5. If I go to a users list of polls and then choose click on "Back to Poll" I get a 403 - Access forbiddenerror.

Can you please help me with these problems. The site is presently on a test doman Link: Link

Also is their a way to allow a select few, say ONLY administrators, to see the create poll button and therefor only them to be able to create a poll?



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