Random Poll and Community Builder
Random Poll and Community Builder
I am starting a new thread to focus on Community Builder functionality. As Maverick have already said the fix is to include the code below:
in comprofiler.php AND in admin.comprofiler.php
If it is not included, you will have trouble with CB Admin console. Be sure to delete the jquery-1.5.0 files from com_comprofler/js/jquery-1.5.0/
What I am not sure how to deal with it is the plugin.foundation.php file --which calls the jquery libraries from CB for the CB modules. Will try to test but any hand here could be appreciated!
I am starting a new thread to focus on Community Builder functionality. As Maverick have already said the fix is to include the code below:
if ( ! ( defined( '_VALID_CB' ) || defined( '_JEXEC' ) || defined( '_VALID_MOS' ) ) ) { die( 'Direct Access to this location is not allowed.' ); }
JPluginHelper::importPlugin ('corejoomla');
$dispatcher = & JDispatcher::getInstance ();
$dispatcher->trigger ('onCallIncludeJQuery', array (array ("jquery", "jqueryui", "jqueryform" ) ) );
in comprofiler.php AND in admin.comprofiler.php
If it is not included, you will have trouble with CB Admin console. Be sure to delete the jquery-1.5.0 files from com_comprofler/js/jquery-1.5.0/
What I am not sure how to deal with it is the plugin.foundation.php file --which calls the jquery libraries from CB for the CB modules. Will try to test but any hand here could be appreciated!
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