sef url not working
sef url not working
I have joomla 1.6.6 and latest version of community polls.
I have also turned on joomla SEF which works fine along with User Url Rewriting.
I have been able to make all my url friendly without use of any other extension. However I have problem with community polls (community answers works fine).
Polls Home menu page, sometimes get url of route/index.php?Itemid=1001
and create a poll menu page gets route/index.php?Itemid=998
If I use sef url from alias, route/polls-home or route/create-a-poll
it would redirect to the right page however the problem is when clicking on the menu to go the polls home, or create a poll pages, it gest none friendly urls.
Any idea why this happens?
user poll layout and user vote layouts work fine.
I have joomla 1.6.6 and latest version of community polls.
I have also turned on joomla SEF which works fine along with User Url Rewriting.
I have been able to make all my url friendly without use of any other extension. However I have problem with community polls (community answers works fine).
Polls Home menu page, sometimes get url of route/index.php?Itemid=1001
and create a poll menu page gets route/index.php?Itemid=998
If I use sef url from alias, route/polls-home or route/create-a-poll
it would redirect to the right page however the problem is when clicking on the menu to go the polls home, or create a poll pages, it gest none friendly urls.
Any idea why this happens?
user poll layout and user vote layouts work fine.
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