1 year in - still no success with google sheets integration

  • dsrpmedia
  • one month ago

I`ve been trying on and off for a year now to get the google sheets integration with Community Quizz - can I pay you to link a sheet?

if not, Ill go through your instructions and stop everytime I hit something Im not sure of, and hopefully eventually we`ll get there.

  1. First, sign in to your Google account by going to this page: Google APIs Credentials page
  2. - done

2 Next, you’ll need to make a new app. Look for a button that says “Create Credentials” and click on it.


3 Fill out some details about your app. You’ll add the name of your application and tell Google where it can send information after someone uses your app. This might look something like https://yoursitename/surveys-menu?task=sheets.integrate – but it will depend on your survey listing menu alias. In the above URL, “surveys-menu” is the alias name of the “Surveys Listing” menu item.

  • this is where it starts to get weird - i get a dropdown with options
API key
Identifies your project using a simple API key to check quota and access
OAuth client ID
Requests user consent so your app can access the user's data
Service account
Enables server-to-server, app-level authentication using robot accounts
which do I choose?

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