Activity Badges and JomSocial User Points
Activity Badges and JomSocial User Points
I need to configure CQ to award points and badges for successfully completed quizzes. I cannot find any instructions how to do this. I am using JS 4.1
My CQ situation:
4 Levels (1 master category -- 4 sub-categories) of quizzes
Level 1: 1 quiz, 10 questions
Level 2: 3 quizzes, 10 questions/quiz (30 questions total)
Level 3: 3 quizzes, 10 questions/quiz (30 questions total)
Level 4: 3 quizzes, 10 questions/quiz (30 questions total)
For each successfully completed quiz, the member is awarded a fixed number of JomSocial User Points -- varies by level
For each Level that is completed, the member is awarded a badge. The badges earned will appear on their profile.
How can this be accomplished? Do I need to purchase an additional component to make this work? I see a reference to your CjBlog component and an integrated Badge award system. Is this what I need to purchase?
Thanks for your assistance