Again: Please Wait
Again: Please Wait
Hi there,
another case of "please wait" and nothing happens. I searched the forums and could find a lot of threads, but with no answers except for installing the latest version of Community Surves and CoreJoomla Framework API Library. Which I did.
API: Version: 2.7.1
Component: 4.6.3
This is what I get on the console(?):
cj.surveys.min.js?v=4.6.3:86 Uncaught TypeError: form.find(...).sortable is not a function at Object.CjSurveyApi.loadResponsePageComponents (cj.surveys.min.js?v=4.6.3:86) at Object.CjSurveyApi.onAfterSaveResponse (cj.surveys.min.js?v=4.6.3:940) at Object.CjSurveyApi.onAfterCreateResponse (cj.surveys.min.js?v=4.6.3:836) at Object.CjSurveyApi.executeFunctionByName (cj.surveys.min.js?v=4.6.3:1503) at Object.success (cj.surveys.min.js?v=4.6.3:1474) at Object.t.success (jquery.form.min.js:22) at c (jquery-1.10.2.min.js:4) at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (jquery-1.10.2.min.js:4) at k (jquery-1.10.2.min.js:6) at XMLHttpRequest.r (jquery-1.10.2.min.js:6)
I guess every site is a special case. Anybody here to help me out on this?
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