Any way to get percentages as scores?
Any way to get percentages as scores?
I was wondering if there is a way to get percentages for the quizzes?
I modified my code in the following way to do it manually:
I ask because my client would like the percentage to also show up in the csv file. thats a little more tricky and wanted to ask if there is anything built already to get this info?
I was wondering if there is a way to get percentages for the quizzes?
I modified my code in the following way to do it manually:
- in the quiz_results.php template, i added $outof++ to each of the switch cases except the free text ones
- then after the for each i did this:
$score = 0;
$correct = QuizAnswerManager::get_score();
if($correct > 0 && $outof > 0)
$score = ($correct / $outof);
$score = number_format($score * 100, 2, '.', '');
- then i changed the score section to this:
<div class="score"><?php echo JText::_('TXT_YOUR_SCORE');?>: <?php echo $correct;?> out of <?php echo $outof; ?>
(<?php echo $score; ?>%)</div>
I ask because my client would like the percentage to also show up in the csv file. thats a little more tricky and wanted to ask if there is anything built already to get this info?
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