Call to undefined method after 3.0 update

  • CristianoSias
  • 2 months ago

In joomla 3.10.11 with php 7.4.32, I updated cjblog 1.4.2 with 3.0 and cjlib 2.3.0 with 3.2.9 and when I go to Dashboard in administration I get the error "Call to undefined method Joomla\CMS\ Application\AdministratorApplication::getParams()". I've tried uninstalling everything and reinstalling clean, I've also switched libraries to an older version and disabled/enabled plugins and I still get the same error. Advice?
Thank you


Post edited 1/10/23
I add here, because it tells me " You do not have permissions for replying to this topic.":
With 3.0.1 it works now, but in the local test in dashboard it shows me "Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$author in administrator\components\com_cjblog\views\dashboard\tmpl\default_articles.php on line 78."


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