Closing / Results Date/Time off..

  • scottca
  • 11 months ago
I just purchased your Polling product. I set it up, and it seems to be functioning properly except for some date/time issues.

I have confirmed that my server is set to timezone 'Americas/Los Angeles' and that my timezone in Joomla is set to 'Americas/Los Angeles'.

When I create a poll, in MySQL, the entry shows being entered at GMT. (effectively +7 hours). But the closing date is being saved as "0000-00-00 00:00:00" even though I entered a future date. I determined if I put the closing date to at lease 7 hours + 1 minute, then it would save okay. So that tells me it's not converting it to GMT when saving to the DB.

Also, if I select a future date/time for the results to be shown, it too has to be 7 hours + to be able to work properly on the site.

I also believe there is an issue if I set the close date, and the poll is closed, it will still allow a vote to happen.

Running: Joomla 2.5.14, Community Poll Ver 3.5.4

Please let me know what other detail you need to assist with this issue.

Thank you in advance for your assistance.


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