Consolidated report not showing to public

P. Visser
P. Visser
  • P. Visser
  • 4 months ago


We didn't use Community Survey for a while and didn't have an active subscription anymore. Now we started to use it again and I ran into a problem. Probably because we had an older version, so I bought a new subscription but the problem stays. We are using version 5.5.2 now in Joomla version 3.9.22.

I would like to display a Consolidated Report but it's only visible to existing administrator accounts (super users) but not to public. A new user with superuser permissions doesn't see it either, only a couple of longtime admins can see the report after they log on.

I did exactly the same as before but I can't get it to work. What did I do? Created a survey of course, created a Community Survey Consolidated Report module (with the ID of the survey inside) and created an article to call the module based on {loadmoduleid xx}. It's all based on public permissions on our testsite. The article is:

Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? I'm stuck. Thanks in advance.

Best regards,

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