Creating new survey description gives error
Creating new survey description gives error
I just bought and installed com_community surveys (version 2.0.11). First installed com_cjlib (v 1.5.6) and later plugin jssurveyresponses v 1.0.0.
Everything installed in a Joomla! 2.5.9 version. (PHP 5.3.0)
When I make a new survey by frontend it ends with Issue Title. The issues "description" , "answers" and "options" are disabled.
When I click save for the title I get an error. I can't go on with making the survey.
I also changed from editor default to BCC editor. But with the same results.
{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 730]}
{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 731]}
Please help me.
I just bought and installed com_community surveys (version 2.0.11). First installed com_cjlib (v 1.5.6) and later plugin jssurveyresponses v 1.0.0.
Everything installed in a Joomla! 2.5.9 version. (PHP 5.3.0)
When I make a new survey by frontend it ends with Issue Title. The issues "description" , "answers" and "options" are disabled.
When I click save for the title I get an error. I can't go on with making the survey.
I also changed from editor default to BCC editor. But with the same results.
{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 730]}
{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 731]}
Please help me.
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