Display Introduction message on latest survey page
Display Introduction message on latest survey page
Hi there, I'm trying to display the "Introduction Message" under the surveys title on the Latest Surveys page...
I have found the file I need to edit but when I paste the code <div class="survey-description"><?php echo CJFunctions::process_html($this->item->introtext, $bbcode, $content)?></div> It's not trigging the content...It only work on the first page of the survey...
Any clue on how I can achieve that...?
I have found the file I need to edit but when I paste the code <div class="survey-description"><?php echo CJFunctions::process_html($this->item->introtext, $bbcode, $content)?></div> It's not trigging the content...It only work on the first page of the survey...
Any clue on how I can achieve that...?
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