exit message dependent upon answers?

  • cyfarian
  • 11 months ago
Can I create a custom exit message dependent upon the answer selected?
Or, can I skip to a page with the message, and end the survey on that page with no additional questions/pages?
Or, can I create a custom redirect url that uses the answer as a variable in the URL?

Basically this is my scenario:

a1. Yes - end survey with message 1
a2. No - go to Q2.

a1. End survey with message 2
a2. End survey with message 3
a3. go to Q1.

I tried making pages for the different messages and skipping to them, but the next button appears and takes them through each message.

Also,is it possible to take them to a SPECIFIC portion of the survey based on e-mail links? I'd like to make the e-mail look like it contains the first question and have them start at the next question based on what they click.


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