Feature - Let logged in user quote themselves

  • andybon
  • 13 months ago
Hi Maverick,

Sent you a pre-sales question on this topic the other day - and now I'm glad to confirm I'm post-sales B)

You said you'd be able to help me achieve the following (hopefully can become a part of the core build rather than hacks - but I'll happily take either!!!)...

I have a JomSocial community and I want the primary use of Community Quotes to be people quoting themselves!!! I have a health and fitness site with lots of personal trainers, nutritionists etc who are keen on submitting 'health tips'...

So I'm after a way for the 'Who Quoted this' when submitting a quote to include, or better still headline, "Me!" for my logged in users... Then no author details are needed as the link through to that persons JomSocial profile page will be fine....

Make sense? Do-able? Thanks!

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