I got that Error when submitting an Poll to Twitter [FIXED]

  • kaoschris
  • 15 months ago
Hello Community Hello Maverick, I got the twitter thing finally to work. I edited helper.php, twitter.php, bitly.php and tinyurl.php. In helper.php i removed a bug wich occurs with alphauserpoints when helper.php try to fetch the Profilelink and Name, it works with the Avatar but returns a link to the Profile in clear Text instead of the Username. That is now fixed.

And in twitter.php,bitly.php and tinyurl.php i edited the cURL Options:

LINE 154 in Twitter.php
// set options
$options[CURLOPT_URL] = $url;
$options[CURLOPT_USERAGENT] = $this->getUserAgent();
$options[CURLOPT_HTTPGET] = true; <-- this is changed*
$options[CURLOPT_TIMEOUT] = (int) $this->getTimeOut();

* its changed from
CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION TRUE um jedem "Location: "-Header zu folgen, den der Server als Teil der HTTP-Header zurückgibt. Die Verarbeitung erfolgt rekursiv, PHP wird jedem "Location: "-Header folgen, sofern nicht CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS gesetzt ist.


CURLOPT_HTTPGET TRUE um die HTTP-Request-Methode auf GET zu setzen. Da dies die Standard-Methode ist sollte dies nur nach einem Wechsel der Request-Methode notwendig sein.

now it works with no OPEN_BASEDIR Error :) and it shows with shortend URL from bitly or Tinyurl

I attached the modifed versions !! to copy them under ../components/com_communitypolls/helpers/

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