Module communitypolls for Joomla 1.7
Module communitypolls for Joomla 1.7
{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 331]}
Hi, i have modified the module for joomla 1.5 to work into joomla 1.6 (and joomla 1.7). The problem is that i dont know if would work perfectly in the new Community Polls 1.7.x, (also, the parent categories could cause problems). I am testing it.
I post in this forum because i dont know where upload it.
Hi, i have modified the module for joomla 1.5 to work into joomla 1.6 (and joomla 1.7). The problem is that i dont know if would work perfectly in the new Community Polls 1.7.x, (also, the parent categories could cause problems). I am testing it.
I post in this forum because i dont know where upload it.
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