My First Poll - and Troubles

  • sylsan
  • 13 months ago

I just purchased Community Poll component (ver. 2.0.1) so I am an absolute newbie in Community Polls, so excuse me if I am missing something obvious...

I am getting an error while creating a category (getting error message: An error occured while processing your request.), but category is listed normally. Then I tried to create a poll - I add options, select all I want and when I hit on save, I am getting the following message:
Required fields missing or invalid data entered. Please try again. Error Code: 105100

I guess it is related to this category problem that first occured.

I've installed CoreJoomla jQuery plugin (and enabled it), installed CoreJoomla API Library as well. Running on Joomla 1.5, and have all necessary requirements (except Comunity Polls knowledge :| )

Can you please help me to solve this problem?

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