My Top Feature Requests

  • tveith
  • 13 months ago
Hello - since I use your community polls software as the core of my entire website (, there are several feature requests that I feel are urgent and I hope will be coming soon.

Yes, I have added these to Tracker as feature requests but would like to post them to your forum to see if others would also find theme useful. These are in order of priority / importance.

1. Private Polls - allow a user to choose the type of poll they want to create - "Public or Private". If they select Private, one of two things could happen.
a) they enter email addresses for those individuals they wish to "invite" to participate in the poll. or,
b) they are provided a link (URL) that they can send to their friends for the poll. or,
c) both a) and b).

2. Facebook comments - integrating Facebook comments into Community polls (rather than jcomments, etc.) would encourage sharing and increase hits / traffic. In fact, statistics show that Facebook comments generate 5-10 times more traffic than "likes" or "shares".

3. Geographic information - I would like Community Polls to add a Map feature that shows on each poll where in the world the votes are coming from. The map would read the IP address of the user who is voting and tack it onto the map. (perhaps this can be integrated using I believe you have already approved this feature for a future version.

4. Random Poll Module - I would like a Random Poll Module that displays the names of polls randomly, similar to the most voted / latest polls modules. For example, it would display the titles of five polls in random order. Clicking the link would take you to the page of the poll.

5. Poll Categories - I would like a menu item that displays ONLY the poll categories. I have more than 40 categories and do no like to see the category listings above the active polls. I would like the category listing and active polls to have seperate menu items.

6. Email alerts - Please offer registered users the option to turn on / off email notifications - such as receiving an email when someone votes on their polls. This should be included in their user settings.

Thanks :)

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