My Votes - title link throws exception
  • 7 months ago

Hi all,

I've noticed an issues regarding the links to polls from the My Votes page. If a user clicks on a link then it will throw an exception due to no poll with the specific ID.


Exception: Poll not found

Local dev URL: http://localjoomla/index.php/en/polls/8-test/10-test-poll-for-votes


Looking at the code I believe the issue is regarding the slug which is being generated. In the URL example above, the 10 refers to the ID of the vote and not the ID of the poll, which should be 4. So the correct URL would be: http://localjoomla/index.php/en/polls/8-test/4-test-poll-for-votes. If a user has also voted on a poll more than once, you should still get the same slug, as it would point to the same poll, but this is not the case and the slug id will change.

Am I correct in thinking that this is a confirmed bug? If so then I can simply create my own logic to create the correct slugs but I would rather get some input first.

Best regards

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