Permission Settings and Archived Surveys

  • joomlanewbie
  • 9 months ago

Hi, Maverick,

Thank you in advance for your professional support, as usual!

I have a couple observations about the operations within CS and their related impact and hope that you are able to clarify the correct application -

1) Category Permissions:
(a) "Access Component": This seems to be a new option under Category Permissions.  Could you clarify what the function is and how it works?
(b) Account/My Surveys: My understanding is that this lists all the surveys the user has created.  A link for "Edit" seems to be displayed regardless of whether the user is given permission to "Edit" or "Edit Own" even though CS does render a message along the line of "Edit not permitted" if the user does not have the proper level of permission.  Is this an intended behavior?  It may be best if the option for "Edit" is only shown if the user has the proper authorization but understand if there are system limitations at this time.
(c) Advanced Search: It appears that all categories are listed for search option regardless of whether the user has been given permission for those categories.  My understanding is that search results would only show the categories users have permission for but this would not be ideal as some of these categories may either be private or confidential.

2) Archived Surveys:
(a) Accessibility: It appears that surveys past the Finished Dates are no longer accessible to users in spite of having proper access rights.  I would like the reports to be accessible for reference as there is definitely value in these until I decide to retire the sometime in the future.  I would want to make sure these surveys cannot be edited after the Finish Dates though. Could you confirm how this could be accomplished?
(b) Survey Counts: As it stands now, surveys that are past the Finish Dates are still being counted as shown below even though they are no longer accessible.  This could potential cause a lot of confusion to end users.  Could you kindly take a second look?

Best regards.

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