Poll Author visible and Pop-up message
Poll Author visible and Pop-up message
Hello -
I have created a time-limited poll on our website and I would like it to NOT display my (author) name. I have it checked in the configuration to not show the author ("Display Settings-Show Author" is set to NO). It doesn't really add to the poll in any way that I can see so I want it gone. You can see the poll here: http://www.retiredracehorsetraining.org/index.php?option=com_communitypolls&view=polls&task=viewpoll&id=2:who-is-your-favorite-trainer
Second, the poll is set so that only registered users can vote (restriction is cookie and username) and only once before the poll closes. I've tried testing it by voting, then logging out and attempting to vote again. It does keep me from voting, but the only message I get in the pop-up is that I'm not allowed to vote on that forum - contact the administrator. I would like to be able to customize that so that it says you have to be a registered user to vote. Is there a way to do that?
I have created a time-limited poll on our website and I would like it to NOT display my (author) name. I have it checked in the configuration to not show the author ("Display Settings-Show Author" is set to NO). It doesn't really add to the poll in any way that I can see so I want it gone. You can see the poll here: http://www.retiredracehorsetraining.org/index.php?option=com_communitypolls&view=polls&task=viewpoll&id=2:who-is-your-favorite-trainer
Second, the poll is set so that only registered users can vote (restriction is cookie and username) and only once before the poll closes. I've tried testing it by voting, then logging out and attempting to vote again. It does keep me from voting, but the only message I get in the pop-up is that I'm not allowed to vote on that forum - contact the administrator. I would like to be able to customize that so that it says you have to be a registered user to vote. Is there a way to do that?
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