Responses link in Community Surveys backend opens the Survey Edit page
Responses link in Community Surveys backend opens the Survey Edit page
I have the latest version of Community Surveys installed and running normally as far as I can tell. I have run test surveys, and I'm able to view a Consolidated Report. (Location, Browser, and Platforms are not being captured, but I figure that's a config error I haven't yet set.) When I click on View under the Surveys list, I get the survey report page with Global Activity and Daily Trends and the list of reports. When I click on View All Responses, I get a list of responses with the survey title, name, date, and status of each response. If I click on a response, I see the respondents answers. If I click on the Responses link in the left-column menu, I get a similar list as when I click on View All Responses but without the Status column. If I click on one of the responses, I get the survey edit page, not the respondents answers. I expected to see the resondents answers. Can you tell me what's happening?
Installed Version is 4.3.4 on Joomla 3.6.5 Stable with PHP 5.5.9-1ubuntu4.21. I'm running Ubuntu 14.04 LTS.
I can set you up with a Manager login if necessary.