Standard Responses

  • steveo
  • 5 months ago

It would be very helpful if you could prepopulate survey questions with some of the standard, validated responses.

For example. if I add radio buttons, I could have a checkbox for "Standard Response List." If I check that, a dropdown lists some of the common scales like Likert, Satisfaction, Worse-Better, etc. along with the number of categories. So if I choose Likert - 5 categories, it would pre-populate with Strongly Agree, Agree, Neither Agree Nor Disagree, Disagree, Strongly Disagree and save me all that typing!

Also, if you use common and validated scales, this would make it easier for those who don't know a lot about survey design. Prevent them from making an error like using a "Meets Expectations" unanchored scale or some other error. Also reduce spelling errors. :)

Thanks for the great software!

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