Strange bug since latest Community Quiz versions

Jean-Francois Questiaux
Jean-Francois Questiaux
  • Jean-Francois Questiaux
  • 5 months ago


I have a strange behavior to report following recent extension update (7.2.2 but the problem is still there with 7.2.3).

Description :
I have a quiz home page with links to individual quizzes.
On the site, there is also a URL rewriting extension (4SEF), so the link to an individual quiz like "index.php?option=com_communityquiz&Itemid=1600&catid=153&id=1171&view=quiz" is rewritten as "quizzes-anglais/quiz-de-vocabulaire-anglais/1171-quiz-gastronomie.html".
This work fine with version 7.2.0.

After update to 7.2.2 (or 7.2.3) AND leaving the quiz as it was saved with the previous version, the link to the quiz is still the same and we can access the quiz.
But, if I open and re-save this quiz, the link for the home page is still correct but, when clicked, it is rewritten to "quizzes-anglais/quiz-de-vocabulaire-anglais.html", which is a category page (index.php?option=com_communityquiz&Itemid=1600&id=153&view=category) and you can't access the quiz.

Re-installing version 7.2.0 AND re-saving the quiz restore the correct behavior.

This is very strange because it is clearly related to quizzes created or modified by the latest version since older, not modified, quizzes are not affected! I was hoping to find a clue in the "attribs" column in the database but I don't see any difference between the 2 versions.

The only difference I found between "old" quizzes and "new" ones (= saved/modified with 7.2.3) is that with version 7.2.0 the "modified" and "modified_by" columns are not updated upon modification (the values remains "0000-00-00 00:00:00" and "0") while with version 7.2.2, these data are correctly recorded ("2024-10-15 09:15:45" and "890"). This seems far fetched, but it is objectively the only difference and that means that something changed in the code to allow this change. Maybe this introduced a hidden unwanted behavior.

The site itself is running with Joomla! 4.4.8 and cjlib is version 4.0.4 (I assume this is the latest one).

I realized that this would be difficult to solve but I can assure you that the problem is real (I tested it several times). Maybe something changed in the router.php of the extension that would give us a clue about what's happening?

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