Suggestion for new feature

  • icefonta
  • 14 months ago
Hi, i'm new to Community Polls so I hope you'll find my suggestions helpful:

- Poll Anywhere: if i'm not wrong this feature allows user to embed polls in their website/blogs. What about integration with Facebook/Twitter of the user? Also, it would be nice allowing users to send polls by email to a mailing list.
- Recurrent polls: it would be nice letting the user create recurrent polls (e.g. every day, every week, every month). This way the same poll would be reposted automatically according to settings. For example i'd like to ask my coworkers where they want to go for lunch setting up a daily recurrent poll and sending it to their emails automatically.
- Private/Public polls: it would be nice letting the user creating private polls which are visible only to his friends or wherever the user decides to post it. In the example above, the poll would be published but only visible to the people receiving it by email;
- Follow Polls: this is one of my favorite, it would be nice letting the user follow certain polls (in the same fashion you follow tweets of certain people). There should be a module showing only followed polls.

I really would like to see some of these feature in the future release, hope you'll find them useful too, thanks and good job

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