Suggestions for Article Suggestions

  • andybon
  • 15 months ago
Loving the potential of the Article Suggestions Module now that I've got it up and running....

Can I put forward some bug fix requests / suggestions to help take it to another level...

a) The 'Show Intro' option currently seems to only apply to 'Related Articles' and not 'Author Articles' - Surely should apply to both?

b) Please could the 'Author articles' retreived be in Random order - Otherwise I'm always getting the same ones back

c) I apply the Module to Menu Items which are Section / Category Blog views - Whilst it works on the articles within those area - On the actual Category or Section view it breaks down and errors because it doesn't know who the 'author' is (obviously there isn't one on that view!) - I know other modules that try to do what Article Suggestions does have a 'Show Only in Article View' option which would fix this issue

d) Wish-List Item - Could there be 'Filter by Section' Yes / No and a 'Filter by Category' Tes / No options... Again I've seen this in another product and if activated the articles retreived would be limited to just the current Cat / Section being viewed.

What do you think? Thanks for reading!

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