Three problems in configuration (?)
Three problems in configuration (?)
I've bought cjforum pro a few days earlier. Now there are three problems for which I have found no solutions. Perhaps you can help.
System used:
Joomla 3.7.4
PHP 7.0
Template: JA Puresite
1.) How can I get a (visible) Link for user registration?
2.) How can I prevent the dots in the topic list, which underlay the text (except the topic title) and the avatar including its placeholder?
3.) On mouseover there appear displays in the topic-list above “Q”-Icon and above avatar image. But only a very small stripe of it is visable and therefore it’s not usable. How can I make it completely visible or prevent its appearance?
Please find attached screenshot für all cases described.
Thank you for your help
p.s. I'm not a developer, but only a user