ACL "Track download", Permissions not working (Download Attachments)

Gilles (vcmb)
Gilles (vcmb)
  • Gilles (vcmb)
  • 5 months ago


I would like to download a SINGLE or a group of selected tracks through GPSTools detail view.

"Options" > Track download (Download Attachments)- PUBLIC default is set to "inherited" which "disable" download for Public.

Track details: I've set Public Permissions to "Allowed" (green) for a single Track.

Download Button appears but when clicking, I've an Error message : "
If difficulties persist, please contact the website administrator and report the error below.
0 You don't have permission to access this. Please contact a website administrator if this is incorrect."

TO FIX IT: I've to force GPS Tools global "Options" Public Permissions (Download Attachments) to "Allowed".
This will allowed "Download Button" to download my tracks, BUT all others tracks too!
(Tested under GPSTOOLS v6.1.0)

How does "Global/Category/Track" ACL work on GPSTOOLS?
Does "Download Attachments" follow Joomla ACL?

How can I set-up GPS Tools Permissions to download single or selected group of tracks?
If I've Global options set to Allow all files but Denied all files except myFile, it seems to work (Negative way). But this is not secure at all. I would like to Allowed (Positive way) for a single files...

Is it a GPS Tools bug?

Thanks for your help,


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