translating the Cjlib time-related language strings
translating the Cjlib time-related language strings
hello maverick,
i'm trying to translate the strings related to lanugages, like "2 days ago".
at first all the questions were set to the "all" language but i needed the strings in hebrew.
i translated the file "administrator/language/en-GB/.en-GB.com_cjlib.sys.ini" and changed all the strings to hebrew - and it worked.
then i cahnged the quesitons's language to Hebrew and the word "ago" changed to the original string in the front-end - please see attached file. so i create a copy of the .ini file, changed the prefix to hebrew (he-IL), and uploaded it to "administrator/language/he-IL". but nothing changed.
the starnge thins is i have another website with the same set-up, and there it works. i compared the files from both sites and they are identical.
do you have any idea what might cause this error and how can i fix it?
thank you