Uninstall of Community Survey not clean
Uninstall of Community Survey not clean
I am facing issues with uninstalling Community Surveys.
When uninstalling the component, all the other plug-ins remain in the system. Also, even if all the plug-ins and the component are removed, the database tables are still not deleted.
When uninstalled, the component should cleanly remove everything that it added. This includes the database entries.
My reason for uninstalling is that I had issues with the component ever since upgrading to 4.6.3. After installing 4.6.5 over it, I still have issues with the component not properly working and getting error messages. I tried to run a clean install and when doing so I discovered that the database contents was still there. Investigating directly in the database showed me that the tables were still in place. So I dropped them manually.
While we are at it, another question: how do I export existing surveys to XML? I have not found an export button, while the import button is prominently visible.
Can you please implement a clean database table drop in the deinstallation procedure? I would also be happy about a hint on how to export my surveys in case of the need of a clean reinstall due to a broken database. Your help is very much appreciated.
Kind regards, Andreas