User questions in crosswords
User questions in crosswords
I am interested in Community crosswords, but the demo does not convince me. I don't want to build up a database with a lot of question-answer stuff. My users should be able to build their own crosswords including their questions and answers for their crosswords and other members will be able to solve.
In the demo I can only choose from a database or build a random crossword. Can't I store my own questions and answers as a registered user in frontend?
I am interested in Community crosswords, but the demo does not convince me. I don't want to build up a database with a lot of question-answer stuff. My users should be able to build their own crosswords including their questions and answers for their crosswords and other members will be able to solve.
In the demo I can only choose from a database or build a random crossword. Can't I store my own questions and answers as a registered user in frontend?
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